Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund September 2020
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
Following the Start Up meeting with the NLHF team on 27th July Permission to Start was given on 12th August 2020.
The Church insurances are being reviewed to accommodate the repair and renovation works.
The PCC has transferred approximately 50% of the Partnership Funding to the Project Account to cover preliminary Delivery Phase start up costs.
The Diocese Loan to facilitate the project cashflow will be applied for when the project timetable has been finalised.
Further fundraising to support the project has been difficult because of the Covid restrictions and therefore we have not been able to carry out our planned events. However, we have raised over £4000 since 1st July by remotely contacting potential donors, gate sales of home grown vegetables, etc. and we are continuing to look at other means of fundraising that can be done remotely.
Heritage Works
As soon as Permission to Start was given we instructed our Project Architect, Le Page Architects to begin work and in turn they have mobilised their own design team, quantity surveyor and CDM adviser.
The Project Architect team have attended site and are now working on;
RIBA Stage 4 drawings
Building Regulation Application
Liaison with Quantity Surveyor for the compilation of the Tender package
The PCC have engaged Health and Safety Associates for client CDM Advisor Services.
Colmer Ecology have carried out their Stage 2 Bat Survey which has indicated the presence of a large variety of bats and particularly the relatively rare Grey Long Haired Bat. We await their final report but it is highly likely that we will require a Stage 3 bat licence which will have a significant impact on the timing of the repair and renovation works.
The Press Statement was agreed with the NLHF and has been issued to the Diocese, local MP, press and other media.
Emails have been sent to our Community and Visitor contact list updating them on the project award and progress.
The project website continues to be updated and we are seeing an increase in hits to the site.
Community Engagement/Activity Plan
We have engaged Christina Dixon as our Evaluation Consultant and Nicky Bailey as our Community Engagement and Events Consultant.
We have had preliminary meetings with Laura Hethrington (NLHF ROSS Consultant), Christina and Nicky to discuss the difficulties of delivering the Activity Plan and other options to work around the Covid social distancing restrictions.
Volunteer Time
Volunteer time this month from Delivery Phase start in August equated to 47.5 hours mainly working on project start up and admin, Client CDM, supporting the bat consultants, fundraising and implementation of the Activity Plan.