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Episcopal Visitation Returns, 1744

I discovered this article regarding Chivelstone which was going to be an Appendix in my book ‘East Prawle through the Ages’. However, space was at a premium and rather than lose it, I thought to add it to this website.

Episcopal Visitation Returns, 1744

Visitations were the means through which Anglican bishops could gather information about their diocese and monitor the performance of the parish clergy. Canon law decreed that episcopal visitations were to be carried out every three years, and at Exeter the exercise involved months of planning before the bishop embarked on a tour of his diocese

Chivelstone Chapl annex’d to Stokenham, Deanery of Woodley
Chanter 225B, 533-534

Population and dissenters: In our Parish of Chivelstone We have Sixty Families, or thereabouts, Twelve of these Families are Dissenters, who are under the Denomination of Presbyterians. There is one Licenced Meeting-House of these Dissenters. The Name of the Teacher in this Meeting-house is Richard Moore. In our said Parish We have also one Dissenter, who is under the Denomination of an Anabaptist. In our Parish of Sherford We have Sixty Six Families, or thereabouts. There is one Family of Presbyterians in our said Parish, But no Meeting-House.

Public or charity schools: We have none in our Parishes of Chivelstone & Sherford.

 Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: In our Parish of Chivelstone We have none; But in our Parish of Sherford We have Lands Settled for the payment of about four or five & forty Shillings a year for the Benefit of Sailors, & Sailor’s Widows; But if there are none of these belonging to our Parish the said Sum is to <be> applied for {putting of} Placing of poor Children of our said Parish, so as they may learn the Art of Navigation in order to become Sailors, And to receive the Benefit of the Charity Money.

Residence upon cure: The Revd Mr George Langworthy, who is our Vicar, being a Pluralist, Viz. Vicar of Stokenham which consists of three Parishes, And also Vicar of Egg-Buckland, Resides upon his Vicarage of Egg-Buckland.

Curate: The Revd Mr George Langworthy hath his Vicarage of Stokenham Supplied, & Served by two Curates, who Reside within the Vicarage whose Names are Peter Creed & William Winter; Approved of by Right Revd the late Diocesan as qualified according to the Canons. Neither of us the said Curates Reside in the vicarage house, It being very lately new built, and as yet not habitable. The Vicar’s allowance to each of us the Curates is thirty pounds a year.

Divine service at other churches: No; Unless in Assisting a sick Brother; Or in any other case of Necessity.

Frequency of divine service: Divine service is Performed in our Chappels of Chivelstone & Sherford, one Sunday in a Fortnight at each Chappel with a Sermon both in the Morning & Afternoon.

Frequency of communion: Four times in the Year (Viz) at Easter, Whitsunday, Michaelmas, & Christmas.

Number of communicants: In our Parish of Chivelstone We have thirty or forty Communicants. Twenty or thereabouts usually Receive. The number of Communicants at Easter last was six, or seven, and twenty or thereabouts. In our Parish of Sherford We have forty Communicants or more. Thirty usually Receive. At Easter last four or five & thirty, or thereabouts Received.

Catechising of children: The Children are Catechized in our Chappels of Chivelstone & Sherford every other Sunday in [illegible deletion] the Summer time, at which time the Parishioners usually send them. It cannot be done oftner, There being Service but once in a Fortnight at each Chappel.

Chapels or chapels in ruins: In our Vicarage We have three Parishes, & Churches, or Chappels; (viz) Stokenham, which is Styled the Mother Church; And Chivelstone & Sherford, Which are styled Daughter Churches, or Chappels. The one of which (viz) Chivelstone is distant from the Mother Church about three Miles. The other (viz) Sherford about two Miles. Which Church & Chappels are Served by the above mention’d two Curates Peter Creed & William Winter. We have no Chappel in Ruins, within our two Parishes of Chivelstone & Sherford.

I am your Lordship’s most dutifull & obedient Son & Servt. William Winter.