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Church Events

See also the History Society events page

As a result of our successful application for a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund we are now recording all events raising money for the St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project. Please see the events page for events specific to the repair fund.

Church Fête 1 August 2021

Because of Covid-19 and the restrictions, the decision to hold the Church Fête was a difficult one. However, we decided to ahead, but the day before the weather forecast was really dreadful for the day. However, we were in luck and the weather on Sunday 1 August 2021 was wonderful. Our first event since Lockdown in March 2020.

It seemed there were more people than ever before. There was such a great atmosphere – everyone was happy to be out and about. The amount raised was £5,276.00, probably a record. Unfortunately photographs were only taken towards the end.

Pimms tent at South Allington House Church Fete Church Fete August 2021 tea tent Bash the rat at the Church Fete 1 August 2021


Christmas Fayre and Coffee morning 30 November 2019

This was the annual Christmas Fayre and coffee morning where Charity Christmas cards are sold, along with cakes, books, bric-a-brac etc. This year we also had bacon butties, which were a great success, and a Christmas crafts stall with lots of stocking fillers and presents for Christmas. Along with the raffle, tombola and everything else the profit on this event was £646.46. A record.

As well as the coffee morning, Rebecca and Michelle from the Kingsbridge Dementia Friendly Community came to finish the mosaic they started on Monday, which will be placed somewhere in the parish, yet to be decided, to demonstrate the St Sylvester’s Church’s support for dementia.

Coffee Morning and Christmas Fayre 30 November 2019



Dementia Friendly at the coffee morning 30 November 2019


Harvest Festival in the Pigs Nose 10 October 2019

Harvest Festival service adn auction in the Pigs Nose 10 October 2019

This is the only photograph (thanks to Mary Roberts) that was taken so it’s a bit dark, but it does show everyone singing with a considerable number of people attending. The evening made over £600 which all goes towards the Church Repair Fund and towards the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Farewell Service to the Rev Pam Kemp 1 September 2019

At St Sylvester's Church Chivelstone

Church Fête 4 August 2019

From Vicky Tucker:

The Church Fete on Sunday was brilliant. The weather was just right, not too hot and the rain held off. The people flocked in to the lovely South Allington Garden (many thanks Barbara and Edward).

We had lots of helpers giving their support and helping on stalls, teas etc. Lots of people baked and donated in so many different ways.
We finished with a great team dismantling the marquees they had put up on Saturday and clearing chairs, tables, Bric a brac and everything that was left, this all contributed to a very Happy and successful day. The gross takings were £4273 .00, some expenses still to be deducted.

Many many thanks to you all.


Prawle Fair – 26 May 2019

Every year the East Prawle History Society holds a display at Prawle Fair in the tea tent. This year the display concerned the St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project. Prawle Fair itself raised over £9,600. The History Society stall is not really about making any money, more of making public awareness. However two books “East Prawle through the Ages” were sold and all the profits go to the project. We had some new postcards printed and also mugs – see the first photograph.

There was a lot of interest and many questions asked.

East Prawle History Society display at Prawle Fair Photographic display at Prawle Fair Esmerelda on display at Prawle Fair The Tea tent at Prawle Fair

Easter Sunday Service and Easter Monday Coffee morning

A busy time on both occasions. The coffee morning raised £380.

Easter Sunday service at Chivelstone ChurchEaster Monday coffee morning 22-4-19

Friday 22 February 2019: Invitation to the Celebration for the St Sylvester’s Church Heritage Lottery Grant

What an exciting evening. This has been a really good start to producing evidence to the Heritage Lottery Fund about our attempts to involve the community. We had almost 100 people for drinks and nibbles. Greg Weatherdon and Mark Jennings gave a presentation explaining exactly what is involved in moving forward with the lottery grant, what we have done so far and what has to continue to be done.

Thank you all so much for being there, all the help and support. It was terrific. We all hope you enjoyed it and are now in a stronger position of understanding just what is involved in going forward with the grant applications.

Photographs to follow.

Crib Service Sunday 16 December 2018

Once again this was a most enjoyable family service with about sixty people in the congregation including children. Every year there is an art display as well. This year the subject was The Three Kings escaping from Jerusalem to avoid Herod. There were some excellent paintings.

Coffee morning on Saturday 17 November 2018

Notice on Facebook from Vicky Tucker:

The Coffee Morning in aid of St Sylvester’s Church, Chivelstone was very successful. £376.00 profit,(the same figure as last year).
We sold £100.00 worth of Christmas cards for different Charities and Anne Noyce was pleased with her sales for the Children’s Hospice.
Thank you all for your contributions and for coming and supporting us, another good fundraiser.

Remembrance Sunday 11 November 2018

This was a memorable Remembrance Sunday service. Full details are on the Remembrance Sunday page with just a few of the photographs below.  £400 was raised from the poppies to be split between the St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and also the Royal British Legion.