Napoleonic War: Admiralty Signal Stations between Plymouth & Dartmouth
Detail from the Admiralty Chart showing Prawle Point from the SW, 1896
A sectional drawing of Prawle Point – the inset shows the Signal House above Prawle Point (Trinity House) dated 1834
The new Prawle Point Coastguard cottages; the chief officer’s house was on the left and the station watchhouse and office on the right; built in 1904-5
The crew of the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station just before the outbreak of World War II
East Prawle LSA rocket apparatus Sunday 16 February 1964, with Webber cup won in 1963
Coastguards, left to right: Bill Blank, Michael Partridge, Jack Appleton- station officer, not known, Jack Rendle. 1970s
Rebuilding Prawle Point lookout, 1997
Prawle Point Coastguard lookout, Norah Kingston, Auxilary coastguard, 1981
To moving mast from east to west side of watch houses – painting and re-rigging £4000, Prawle Point coastguard lookout (no longer there)
Rebuilding Prawle Point Coastguard/NCI lookout 1997-1998
Prawle Point NCI lookout, Winnie Easterbrook with Alan Shearer, 2005
The Practice Rocket Post on Sharpers Hill, on the way down to Horsley Beach, 2011
The remains of Signal House Point at Hunter’s Top or Hurter’s Top, near Prawle Point 2011
Visit from Sarah Woolaston MP for Totnes 2011, left Nigel Taylor, John Gifford, Jenny brown, Sarah Wollaston, Roger Barrett, unknown, unknown, Derek Venables, Roger Hardiman