Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund September 2019
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
Work during September concentrated on development of Architectural Plans, works costings, Faculty Application, the Community Activity Plan and the 2nd Round Application.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Work is continuing on the 2nd Round Application in readiness for the Development Review on 6 November.
- The Governance Review report is complete.
- VAT on contract invoices is currently being covered by PCC funding.
- The draft of the Car Park lease is still with the Diocese Solicitor in Exeter.
- Le Page Architects are progressing with the investigatory work and progress has been made on the following;
- A follow up bat survey is being arranged to help finalise the design of the glass screen.
- The asbestos survey and report has been carried out.
- The wall painting report is being prepared by McNeilage Conservation.
- The DAC and supporting organisations visited the church on 9 September to assess the re-ordering Faculty Application prior to their decision meeting on 7 October.
- The Quantity Surveyor is pricing the new work and repairs.
- The NHLF Project page on the History website continues to be updated.
Community Engagement
- A tremendous amount of work has been carried out in Community Engagement and progressing the development of the Activity Plan. Key developments have covered the following;
- An advisory meeting was held with the NHLF on 24 September and we are progressing with the agreed actions.
- U3A (University of the Third Age) members visited the Church during September.
Slippage in the Month
- Behind on the Access Audit but this should be corrected during October
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 96 hours mainly working on Community Activity Plan, Events, Round 2 Application and Project Administration.