Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund June 2019
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
Work during June continued at a good pace on the Community Activity Plan and Events, development of Architectural plans and investigatory surveys.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Next Monitoring Meeting agreed to be held on 4 July at St Sylvester’s Church/Honey Lane House.
- The Governance review and training course took place on the 24 June and was carried out by Jill Davis of South Hams Community and Voluntary Services. No major weaknesses were identified but minor actions for improvement will centre around register of interest, information updates and roles and responsibility training.
- Our support to Prawle Fair resulted in a contribution of £1635 to the church repair fund, allocated by a community vote system.
- Preparations now underway for the Church Fete in early August.
- Work on the NHLF ‘Progress Report’ template to support the application for the next ‘Grant Payment Request’ continues.
- Our first LPOW VAT reclaim submission has been made.
- The draft of the Car Park lease has been received and comments sent to the Diocese Solicitor in Exeter.
- Le Page Architects are progressing with the investigatory work and progress has been made on the following;
- As identified in the preliminary bat survey report undertaken by the Bat Conservation Trust we have now approached other ecologists for advice on the project where it affects the design of the glass screen between the tower and the nave.
- The Structural survey of the porch and vestry was carried out by PCA Consulting and their report received and discussed on site with the Project Architect. This is being assessed and architectural repair drawings will be prepared for Faculty List B.
- The Conservation inspection has been carried out by Lynn Humphries of Humphrey and Jones Conservators and we await their report.
- We have received comments from the DAC following our Faculty Pre-Application submission and are finalising drawings and details to RIBA Stage 3 on the agreed option layout ready for a full Faculty Application by the DAC deadline of 1 July. The Faculty List B Repair Application will be submitted to the DAC in mid July.
- The Quantity Surveyor will start his pricing of the new work following the Faculty submission and then move onto look at the List B repairs.
- The NHLF Project page on the History website continues to be updated.
- Our fundraising thermometer chart is still in the embryonic stage but we hope to produce one in order to give feedback on progress against our project target to the local community.
Community Engagement
- Again, a tremendous amount of work has been carried out in Community Engagement and progressing the development of the Activity Plan. The key developments have covered the following:
- The Stokenham Girl Guides visited the church on 6 June for an historical update and to test out the recently developed church trail. They also kindly cleaned the church.
- The Bird Walk organised by the ANOB took place on 16 June went very well and will be repeated in the future.
- We attended an excellent Interpretation Best Practice training session on 21 June given by Holly Trubshawe (Curator Cookworthy Museum) and came away with great display ideas for the church.
- Visits to Halwill and Ashwater Churches who have both received lottery funding is being arranged.
- Final arrangements for the music concert on 21 August led by Chris Vanderspar (lead cello at Royal Opera House) are being made.
- The Survey Questionaire is still being widely circulated but will finish on the church open day.
- Plans are currently being made for taster ‘Champing’ by the local Scouts and for the Church Open Day in July, poster attached.
Slippage in the Month
- We have caught up on most of the slippage this month and are slightly behind on the Access audit and Asbestos Survey.
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 100.5 hours mainly working on Community Activity Plan, Events and Project Administration.