Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund December 2019
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
Work during December concentrated on finalising the Development Phase Reports, the Community Activity Plan and the 2nd Round Application.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Completion of the R2 application continuing on the NHLF portal.
- Meeting arranged with the Diocese Finance Department regarding a bridging loan for the Delivery Phase.
- Project cashflow in line with expectations.
- The form of release for the car park land is agreed and we are just awaiting for some detail to be finalised on the Landowners side which should be done shortly.
- Le Page Architects are progressing with their development stage work and are now completing the following;
- The Access Survey is nearly complete and is just awaiting minor amendment.
- The draft Management and Maintenance Plan and costings is done and is being reviewed.
- The Security issues have been checked with our Insurers who have advised on extra insurance cover with any construction related issues being covered by the Contract.
- We await approval of the Faculty Application by the Consistory Court.
- We await approval of the List B Application by the DAC.
- The Design Review Document is being prepared. This will be similar to a Design and Access Report (as used in planning).
- The NHLF Project page on the History website continues to be updated.
Community Engagement
- Work continues with progressing the Activity Plan and key developments have covered the following;
- Strengthening the Activity Plan wording and cross referencing sections of the plan, emphasising the links between activity and interpretation.
- Formal confirmation from South Devon AONB as a project partner including free time provision.
- Formal confirmation that the South West Marine Archaeology Group (SWMAG) will also be a project partner.
- A pilot ‘Mummers Play’ taster/fund raising event is planned for early January.
Slippage in the Month
- As discussed above some slippage in agreeing the car park lease.
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 79.5 hours mainly working on Community Activity Plan, Round 2 Application and Project Administration.