Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund November 2018
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
November was a busy month with many project tasks being started following the ‘Kick Off Meeting’ on the 31 October between the HLF Project Team and the Project Steering Committee at St Sylvester’s Church and East Prawle.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Submitted Permission to Start form and permission given by HLF on 21 November
- Church insurances checked with Diocese insurer and upgrade in cover to be reviewed when Project Architect appointed.
- Application made to Lloyds Bank for separate Project Bank Account and is in the process of being made active.
- 1st Grant Payment Request submitted and payment received on 13 November.
- Meeting held with the owner of the field for the Car Park and size and access agreed. Drawings are currently being prepared in readiness for Planning and discussions on-going with Diocese Solicitor regarding the lease arrangements.
Agreed with HLF that because of the importance of having a viable Car Park at the church that capital works can be carried out during the development phase.
- Enquiries for design and production of HLF Project sign boards made to a supplier in Kingsbridge.
- Enquiries made regarding the installation of Brown Signs with the Local Authority. Application must confirm that adequate parking facilities are available at the church, therefore our application will be deferred until the new Car Park is ready.
- Project Brief for Consultant Architect prepared and issued to four prospective Architectural Practices. Unfortunately two have declined and therefore a further two have been identified from the Diocese select list and sent the documents.
- Draft Press Statement was developed and approved by HLF and issued to key contacts such as Local MP, local Councillors, local press, etc.
Update email sent to the local community and thankyou letters sent to funding contributors.
- HLF Project Page on History website updated.
Community Engagement
- Project sub team created to drive the development of the community Activity Plan and meeting held with Laura Hetherington on 23 November to discuss the Plan and develop the Engagement Consultant Brief. Adverts for prospective Consultants have been sent out.
It has been agreed with the PCC and HLF that an additional £800 of partnership funding will be made available for this Engagement Consultant role (total £2800.)
Slippage in the Month
- We are slightly behind on the development of the Communications Plan and Launch Event but this will be addressed in December/January.
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 125.75 hrs working on the Architect Consultant appointment, Engagement Consultant appointment, communications with the local community, development of the Car Park and Project set up and administration.