Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund March 2019
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
March was also a very busy month with development of the Community Activity Plan, mobilisation of the Consultant Architect, completion of the Car Park and Monitoring Meeting in Exeter.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Monitoring Meeting was held at the NHLF offices in Exeter. Next meeting will be in the second half of June at St Sylvester’s Church.
- Further work carried out on developing a gap analysis profile for the Governance Review and training arranged for early April.
- Project Bank Account working well.
- Support being given to Prawle Fair and discussions regarding a joint History Society and Lottery Project stand underway.
- The Car Park is complete with the lease being finalised with the Diocese Solicitor in Exeter.
- We have tried to progress the arrangements for the Brown Signs but have been advised by Devon CC that it will take at least 6 months to install. We have therefore developed our own signs with a local manufacturer which have now been installed locally.
- Our Consultant Architects ‘Le Page Architects’ have been mobilised and we are finalising the RIBA Contract with them. They in turn are progressing with mobilising the sub consultants who were included in their tender to carry out the investigatory work on the Church.
- HLF Project Page on the History website updated.
- External communications working well and focus will now be on the Interpretation section of the Activity Plan.
Community Engagement
- Work has been progressing at a pace with our Activity Consultant which has covered the following;
- Discussions held with Stokenham Primary School and also the Girl Guides for educational trips to visit St Sylvester’s.
- Discussions held with ANOB representatives and three test dates arranged for a Bat Walk, Bird Walk and Open Day at the Church.
- The Survey Questionaire has been modified in the light of feedback from the trial survey and is being widely circulated with links on our website and Facebook pages. The survey will continue to be given out until towards the end of July when we plan to have an Open Day on 21 July 2019.
- Our first activity was tested with the Choir in developing songs about local aspects such as the land and sea.
- Interpretation Planning training was undertaken with our Activity Consultants.
- Activity sessions were carried out at the Cookworthy museum researching the wreck of the Marana and at Honey Lane House researching family trees.
Slippage in the Month
- Start up of some surveys slightly behind but will be started soon now the Architect is on board.
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 163.5 hours mainly working on the Architect Consultant appointment, Community Activity Plan, Monitoring Meeting, Car Park and Project Administration.