Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund January 2019
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
Following the Festive break January was a fruitful month with the main work focusing on the appointment of the key Project advisor roles of Community Engagement Consultant and Consultant Architect.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Some preliminary work carried out on developing a gap analysis profile for the Governance Review.
- Project Bank Account and processing payments now working well.
- As part of our Car Park Planning Permission Application (Ref 4049/18/FUL) the Councils Archaeology Department identified that the proposed Car Park location lay over the site of a long ago demolished Manor Discussions took place and agreement was reached on how best to protect the site and a revised planning drawing has been submitted. The planning decision is likely in mid February. Discussions regarding the details of the lease with the land owner will recommence once planning permission is gained.
- Four tenders were received from our invited Consultant Architects and on initial examination showed that even though the overall fees were around the project budget that there was significant front loading of fees in the development phase which would cause significant funding issues. After discussions with HLF we re-profiled the phasing of the ‘scope of work’ and the Architects have resubmitted their fee proposals. The tenders have been reviewed and two Architects have been invited for interview on 11 Feb.
- The Information Leaflet has been well received and additional copies made available.
- HLF Project Page on the History website updated.
- Slow progress on the Communications Plan this month due to distractions from other priority tasks.
Community Engagement
- The Community Engagement Project sub team reviewed the eight Engagement Consultant bids and six were shortlisted for interview. The quality of the Consultants was excellent and initially the role was offered to Phil Collins but unfortunately due to conflicts of interest with other HLF work Phil declined the appointment. Fortunately our second choice, Christina Dixon Consulting, was still available and we are in the process of finalising contract details with an anticipated start in mid February.
- The Launch Event has been scheduled for 22 Feb and invitations sent out.
Slippage in the Month
- Development of the Communications Plan is still slightly behind as mentioned above.
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 138.25 hours mainly working on the Architect Consultant appointment, Engagement Consultant appointment, the Launch Event, development of the Car Park and Project Administration.