Monthly Report for the Heritage Lottery Fund December 2018
St Sylvester’s Church Renovation and Community Project, Chivelstone Parish, Kingsbridge
Even accounting for the seasons festivities, December proved to be a very busy month with good progress being made on the Renovation and Community Tasks.
Tasks carried out in the Month
Project Administration
- Church insurances, awaiting for Project Architect appointment to finalise cover.
- Project Bank Account now active and being used.
- 1st Grant Payment and Partnership Funding transferred from PCC account to Project Bank Account.
- Car Park Planning Permission application documents prepared and submitted (Ref 4049/18/FUL). As part of the application an Ecology Survey and Report was required and this has now been carried out. The planning decision is likely by mid February. Discussions are on-going with the land owner regarding the lease arrangements.
- Design and production of HLF Project sign board has been done and the sign fixed to the wall adjacent to the church.
- We await the tenders from our invited Consultant Architects, four have advised that they are likely to submit quotes. Tenders are due mid January and some have already expressed an interest to view the church. The reasons given by those Architects that declined to bid were that they are ‘too busy’ as there are a limited number of specialists in this field, location is too remote and the higher risk now of the main delivery phase not happening.
- In order to aid the refixing of a fallen plaque to the interior of the south wall of the church we have brought forward some of the plaster and wall decoration survey work to ensure that any hidden wall paintings are not damaged when the plaque is replaced. We are currently reviewing this initial survey report which will aid the more fuller survey later in the year.
- Information Leaflet produced and copies made available in church for visitors.
- HLF Project Page on History website updated.
- Updates of progress on the HLF Project given at the Crib and Carol Services which were very well attended.
Community Engagement
- The Community Engagement Project sub team has now received eight Engagement Consultant bids and these are being reviewed in order to get down to a shortlist for interview. The additional days support from Laura Hetherington agreed by HLF is very much appreciated and will be invaluable in supporting the selection of the best Consultant candidate.
Slippage in the Month
- Development of the Communications Plan is still slightly behind which will be addressed in January and the Launch Event is now scheduled for mid February.
Volunteer Time
- Volunteer time this month equated to 41 hrs working on the Architect Consultant appointment, Engagement Consultant appointment, communications with the local community, development of the Car Park and Project Administration.